Community Engagement
Living in your community
Talk to your neighbour
When people live close together, they often do not realise that they are disturbing other people. If you are being disturbed, the first thing to do is to explain politely to the people involved that they are causing you a problem.
Talk to us
If the problem continues, please contact us. We will treat all complaints seriously and treat all the information we receive as confidential.
So that we can help you, you need to keep a diary of the problem, including any contact with An Garda Síochána and any incident log numbers they give you. If we find your complaint is malicious or has no real basis, we will take no further action and we will make a note on your file. In cases of extreme and continuous noise or pollution, your local council’s Environmental Health section can take action.
They deal with problems such as noise, poorly kept animals, rubbish, smoke, fumes and gases. We can tell you how to contact them.
Talk to the Local Mediation Service
Many problems between neighbours can be sorted out by talking through the different views and coming to an agreement. If you would like help to do this, you can ask us to refer you to a mediation service in your area. Mediation services provide independent mediators who discuss the issues with everyone involved in a professional, calm way and help them come to an agreement. They are trained to deal with a variety of situations. They will be understanding but will not take sides.
Anti-Social Behaviour
All tenants are responsible for their own behaviour and that of members of their household and visitors. You are breaking the conditions of your tenancy agreement if anyone in your home causes alarm, distress or nuisance, or continually annoy anyone in the area or around your home or engaging in any form of anti-social behaviour set out in your tenancy agreement.
What is anti-social behaviour?
When people live close together, they often do not realise that they are disturbing other people. If you are being disturbed, the first thing to do is to explain politely to the people involved that they are causing you a problem.
Anti-social behaviour is any behaviour or action that interferes unreasonably with the quality of life of other residents or prevents them living peacefully in their homes and surroundings. It includes nuisance, which is persistent behaviour or disturbance which causes distress to other people, such as:
- Loud music
- Arguments, shouting, swearing or slamming doors
- Selling, storing or taking drugs
- Dogs barking or making a mess
- Playing ball games close to someone else’s home
- Smoke or fumes from bonfires or barbecues
- Inconsiderate parking or abandoned cars
- Drunken behaviour
- Conducting any criminal, illegal or immoral activities in or around your home.
How we deal with anti-social behaviour
We take seriously any claim of anti-social behaviour in or around the areas where we manage properties.
- We will respond promptly to any claim you make to us.
- We will carry out an investigation, collect evidence and, if necessary, take action.
- We will keep clear records of what action we take.
- We will support anyone who is suffering from anti-social behaviour, as well as anyone who is willing to be a witness.
- We will work with tenants and other agencies, including An Garda Síochána and councils, to stop and prevent nuisance, harassment or abuse.
- We take action to evict any tenant who is convicted of harassment (make them leave their home).
We can take a range of actions to manage incidences of anti-social behaviour in a confidential manner. Firstly, we would hope to solve the problem through visits and letters to the people causing the problem. This might lead to mediation meetings or setting up acceptable behaviour contracts.
We will take action if the situation doesn’t improve. This could be a warning, an Exclusion Order or getting an Order for Possession to make them leave their home.
For more information on community engagement, please check your relevant Tenant Handbook on the documentation page here: