Eustace Demesne
Naas, Co. Kildare
Eustace Demesne is in Craddockstown, Naas, Co. Kildare.
It is a 74 residential units’ estate (6 four beds, 40 three beds, 22 two beds and 6 one bed units).
Eustace Demesne has a local primary school and nursing home located right beside the development. It is placed approximately 10 minutes walking distance from Naas Hospital and Naas Town centre.
Eustace Demesne have some housing allocated to Housing First, Comhar work closely with Peter McVerry to provide a wraparound service for these tenants.
A striking feature of Eustace Demesne is the landscaping, particularly the huge Oak tree which is central point to the scheme. The tenants in Eustace Demesne take a lot of pride in taking care of the estate and ensuring it is kept free from litter. So much so, that two young people have previously received awards from KildareCounty Council in recognition of these efforts.